For more than a century, Maison Bache-Gabrielsen has been exploring tirelessly the many facets of cognac, between tradition and innovation. Its daily life is cadenced by the shared values from generation to generation : boldness, authenticity and know-how. A heritage that the family owes to Thomas Bache-Gabrielsen, the founder of the Maison.
A childhood in Norway
Born in 1883 in Holmestrand, the Norwegian Thomas Bache-Gabrielsen is the son of Alexander Gabrielsen and Kamilla Bache, storekeepers specialized in the sales of spirits. Over the years its parents pass him down their passion.
At the age of 20, volunteer in the army at that time, Thomas quits Norway to go to France.

1903 : towards France !
Sent to Cognac by his father to develop the family business, the young Norwegian adventurer quickly fall in love. Of cognac, obviously, but also of Odette Villard, a young Charentaise lady, whose parents are winegrowers. Its heart tells him to stay and settle in the region.
The experience, which is supposed to last only for several months, will finally last his whole life.
He devots the following years to the discovery of cognac, as well as the region, the process of making cognac, the ageing…
1905 : the start of Bache-Gabrielsen adventure…
In 1905, once he has all the keys in hands, Thomas and his Norwegian friend Peter Anton Rustad create Maison Bache-Gabrielsen, by purchasing first the Maison de cognac A. Edmond Dupuy, founded in 1852. Their export business of cognac quickly works and is strengthened thanks to good relationships with Norway, Denmark and the United States.

Follows, in 1906, the wedding of Thomas and Odette in Cognac.

The following years, the family and the Maison widen. Ambition and prosperity bring up Thomas’ daily life !
Nevertheless, in 1916, the Norwegian prohibition period breaks out and makes illegal the alcohol sales. It is then impossible for Thomas to sell its cognac there… It’s time to find a solution !
An idea then comes to his mind ! Replace the 3 stars of his VS cognac by 3 crosses (« Tre Kors » in Norwegian), which were the symbol of pharmacies in Norway at that time. Thus, the cognac could be sold as medicine in pharmacies. But to be able to get some, it’s imperative to be equipped with a prescription. So Norwegians rush towards doctors, dentists and vets. That is how the famous cognac VS TRE KORS Bache-Gabrielsen was born !
Despite this ingenious idea, Thomas stills a modest man. Humble, subtle, elegant and straight, he likes the simple things of life, and loves family life.
Cooking, music, reading but also rowing ! Thomas has many passions that he shares with his family.

Thomas becomes friend with other Norwegian young men living in Cognac. They create a friendship club, where they all meet each other : « The Amicale Scandinave ».
This friendship club includes those who have come to work in the cognac houses. The group welcomes newcomers, helps them settle in and create a “mutual aid fund”. In fact, at the time there is neither social security nor mutual insurance and it is good to be supported in case of illness or other troubles.
By the way, J.P. Larsen, who will later found its own Maison of cognac, is one of the members.

A beautiful family heritage
From Thomas to Hervé, passing by René and Christian, the family heritage perpetuates since 4 generations. It evolves with its time but stills imbued with its Scandinavian roots.
Aurélia, communication and marketing apprentice